Help Support
the San Jose Chapter of Jack and Jill of America Inc.
Every purchase makes a difference and helps support the Jack and Jill Foundation, which will aid in funding the African American Community Service Agency and Unity Care in San Jose. Only with your help can we raise the funds we need to ensure we continue to nurture our future leaders through chapter programming, community service, legislative advocacy and philanthropic giving.
Shop over 1,500 gift ideas including UltraHeavyTM gift wrap, wrap accessories, personalizable gifts, exclusive kitchen and home items, tasty gourmet goodies & much more!
Ready to Start Shopping?
Click on the link below to help support our organization:
Charleston Wrap Organization Shopping Site
(This is a link for organization credit only and not affiliated with a specific participant.)
If this link does not take you to the Charleston Wrap store, don’t worry. Simply type in and enter our Organization ID: 19071 in the “Shopping to support an Organization only” box. Then you can start shopping on the Charleston Wrap store to help support our organization.